Wednesday 3 April 2013

Sleeping with Sirens

I'll bewitch you if it takes all night

Yummy Ideas for the Creative Vegetarian

I just stumbled across this website full of wonderful ideas for vegetarian and vegan recipes. Here is one I am about to whip up tonight...

Serves 2

-1 cup fresh basil
-1/2 cup coconut flesh (or 1/2 cup dried, soaked in water and drained)
-Juice from 1 lemon
-Olive oil, used to desired consistency
-Freshly ground black pepper
-2 cups roasted sweet potato (you can use any leftover roasted veg you have as well)
-2 zucchinis, spiralised and sprinkled with salt
-1 cup mixed salad greens

-In a food processor or blender, process the basil, coconut, lemon juice and olive oil
-Taste and adjust to taste- add a pinch of salt if you like, pepper, more lemon juice or more basil
-Rinse zucchini pasta well, then massage the pesto into the noodles
-Toss with roasted sweet potato and salad greens

Tuesday 2 April 2013


If you haven't already, go and rent 'Wanderlust' with Paul Rudd and Jennifer Aniston, an eclectic combination of comedy, love and freedom that will make you wonder why you haven't packed a suitcase, made a mix tape, jumped on the road to nowhere then stripped bare and gone skinny dipping in a town where you dont know anybody's name....or maybe just why you haven't gotten yourself some freedom and happiness lately. Either way, it's a pleaser for everybody no matter what you take from it
Love Ami x

Day 1

Today seems to be confused with whether it wants to rain or shine, and I am torn between venturing outside with my felt fedora and aviators, or stay in with my warm cat and ben & jerry's cookie dough ice cream. Well, the latter option seems to have won, as i sit by my computer pondering my future travels and beginning my wanderer's blog. My wide, floor to ceiling, wall to wall windows are open to their fullest, allowing the fresh cool breeze from the passing shower to ease through to me, cross legged at the end of my bed. I still have yesterdays hair and my pyjamas worn from the night just passed. I haven't eaten lunch, i am so indecisive, i think too much that the time passes, before i then decide to have one of everything at 3pm. Late dinner then aswell, I suppose. Around me; my phone, ipad, passport wallet, black glazed candles and two expired in 93 with a picture of my plump baby face that travelled all the way with me from Canada, the other; a blonde, 20 something year old girl staring at me from the fresh pages...and my warm cat snuggled by my side, reminding me of what i'll miss while i am wandering the globe soon. Four months, in that time i will have organised what i hope will be one of the most memorable trips of my life. Finally i will get to walk the streets of New York, discover its secrets and maybe, some of mine...and go back to where i started, family, home, Canada; an abyss of wilderness and warmth where i intend to walk every inch of forest in my reach. I want to get lost for a while, they say its the way to find yourself, but im not looking for that, i just wish to be lost and alone, and to wander, endlessly across a place i have never seen. Everything is so familiar here, i think its time to open my eyes and my soul to something knew. I want to get learn.

Chocolate Indulgence

Colour of the month - Chocolate

We are loving wet chocolate nails and delicious chocolate lips...and helping ourselves to some chocolate flavoured ice cream and candles.

Chocolate Indulgence



Pleasures of Seduction

pleasures of seduction

this is where we go to fall back in love with seduction. A tantalising literary desire, lingerie, leather and red as a butterfly

Gentlemen Prefer Nature Girls

I have a love for deer. Their wide dark eyes and slender legs seem to epitomise the beauty we search for as women, and then, their big ears and long noses display a cute awkwardness we find in ourselves as though amongst all the wonderful features there is a little fault, that although we may find imperfect, makes us unique. Deer, in all their awkwardness and unique beauty, the quiet victim of so many predators, in the way that they seem free and peaceful, and yet, are so easily made a target for the pleasure of others...sometimes remind me of myself...a little lost deer.

Into The Wild

Into The Wild part two

Into The Wild part two

Longsleeve dress
$26 -

Floral lace shorts
$26 -

River Island highwaist shorts
$15 -

Bracelet watch
$98 -

Beanie hat
$38 -

Wood Book